Shoppers quickly learn that finding and applying for a shop doesn’t always result in being assigned a shop. The reason for this is that many shops receive multiple shopper applications. Some shops can get over fifteen!
The question then is; what makes a shopper stand out to be selected? And the answer is that there are many factors that account managers take into consideration when choosing shoppers.
One of the first things Pinnacle schedulers look at is how far away the shopper lives from the shop location. If a shopper lives close by, then it’s more likely the shopper will reliably be able to visit the branch and complete the shop.
Another matter that weighs in, regards whether or not the shopper has prior experience with Pinnacle and what average score was received for previous shops. Many applications come with a question the scheduler poses to all interested shoppers. The answer to that question also influences assignment of a shop. Oftentimes, shoppers don’t answer the question, or answer it incorrectly. Using good spelling and proper capitalization grabs the attention here.
Now just because you live far away, or you’re new to Pinnacle, or you misunderstood a question does not mean you’ll never receive a shop. There are further factors beyond the shoppers’ hands that influence this process, such as the client’s size and their particular needs.
There is one thing that can help every shopper; persistence. The more often your name comes up, the greater the chance our schedulers will take note!